What Our Customers Say
Track My Progress is proud to have worked with so many administrators and educators around the country, making a difference in the classroom.
“I like the way it lets me say to teachers, “This is what you were given, and this is
where they are now.
My frustration is tracking which teachers is making what kind of progress, and in what areas.
What are the teacher’s strengths? What are the teacher’s weaknesses? In what area do we
need to support the teacher?
This confirmed what I was thinking. Now I have some hard data and I can say to a teacher
”what can we do about this together.” Before, they could talk their way out of it. The teacher
would say; “it’s the kids, they can’t learn, you gave me a low group”.
Before I would have to dig through a 2 inch file to get at what is going on. Now I have a
diagnostic that just tells me.
I can now say to the teacher: “Here is the test that they took, here are the curriculum
frameworks, here are the problems they can do, here is what they can’t do, and we need to
build from here.”
I think the most important thing this is doing is tracking the kids, drilling in to where they are.
The teacher is all over the place, the kids are misbehaving and struggling, now I have
something that says this is where you need to be with this child, not up here.
The grouping data allows me to say this is exactly what you need to cover with these four
kids in the next month because this is what the kids need in order to move forward.
The other tests that we have used are not transparent to the testing, so the teacher can not
see what the child was faced with.
Wants to see the full text of the Common Core State Standard written out in the reporting.”
“We are really loving TMP. The simplicity is so refreshing! During the 6th grade session this
morning, as students finished, the classroom teacher was able to bring up items that she had
quesOons about and go over it with the student. It was very powerful for both student and
teacher- a huge improvement over”
“Track my progress has been an amazing learning tool for our students at Orange Center School.
The program has helped our students with both technical and academic skills. But the
most meaningful result is that our kids are excited about seeing their progress. This instant
feedback when shared with their teachers, motivates them to set new goals and improve their scores.”
“Being the math specialist for my school, Track My Progress has helped tremendously in
narrowing down where not only individual students are struggling but classes as a whole. I
have been able, for instance, to take note on the fact that a lot of the classes I work with
struggle with base ten and fractions. Using this information I am able to help guide teacher
instruction to help boost those areas for the students.
I also love the detail of the data in the reports returned and how you get instant feed back.
We took the Track My Progress assessment the first two weeks of September. Since this
point I have done three major things with the data;
First, I have been able to review each students individual report with them and go through the
questions they missed. I noticed for a majority of my students many of the questions
answered wrong were things they have not yet learned in the school year. For those students
that were in the red and yellow I was able to review what they missed and begin to
understand why they missed it.
Secondly, we have used this data to begin creating an after school program to help students
in both math and reading. We were able to do this my sharing each individual student’s
diagnostic in math and reading with the parents and getting their feedback on whether their
child would benefit from extra help during school.
Lastly, with the data provided and individual reports I can assess which students are high risk
and what areas in math are putting them in the red and yellow category.
My hope is to see growth throughout the next two testing windows and to continually boost
students confidence. I know just from sitting down with a few 4th graders who saw how
much they have already grown from 3rd grade in the spring to now put a smile on a lot of faces!”
“I love the visual nature of it making a statement to the educator and the parent.
You have come up with a relatively easy way to track progress a couple of times a year
without throwing the school into maelstrom, without spending a lot of time grading tests, and
recording data.
We want to be able to sit with a teacher and say, “we are not making progress in this area,
what can we do about it?” Or, we want to be able to say, “we are making progress, keep at it.”
I hope TMP is the solution to our search for a good way to track progress multiple times a
year. I think you are really on to something, for me . . . this is so useable.”
1. Test Your Students
Simple and easy to use.
Each test takes about 20 minutes.
No printing, scoring, or data entry.
2. Track Your Students
Results for CCSS subjects and domains.
Compare student growth.
Evaluate if interventions are working.
3. Guide Your Students
Review the exact test questions students missed.
Identify where students need more intensive instruction.
Request a Demo of Track My Progress
Contact a member of our team today to request a demo and learn more about Track My Progress for your school.