Your Assessment Platform for Progress

Track My Progress is an affordable online assessment


$15 per student

Annual subscription costs $15 per student. One-time setup and implementation fee of $1,500 per school.

Request a proposal

Track My Progress

An Online Assessment System that Illuminates the Core of Learning


Track My Progress assessments are aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Students have four math and four reading tests available to take each year. Assessments include a variety of innovative item types.


Track My Progress assessments are nationally normed. Each completed test provides scale scores, percentile scores, grade level equivalent scores and progress scores.


True Progress offers the support you need to get up and running quickly and painlessly. Connect with us via phone, email or online chat. Or consult our knowledge base where you will find everything you need to know to get started.

Professional Development

Our professional development sessions and coaching to make sure you are implementing Track My Progress with fidelity. This includes web training sessions, implementation consulting, data review sessions and intervention evaluation support.


Our web-based assessments can be completed by students on iPads, Chromebooks, laptops and desktops. The interface is easy to navigate for younger students and the computer adaptive tests keep students comfortably in their learning zones.


View student data in a variety of formats at the district, school, class and student level. Drill down to see each student test including the test questions and student answer choices.

Track My Progress is your easy to use and simple to understand benchmark assessment.

Have questions about Track My Progress?



Frequently Asked Questions

Can I purchase Track My Progress to use at home?

Track my Progress is intended for school use by educational professionals. It is not available for sale to families.

What other fees will we be charged?

One-time setup and implementation fee of $1,500 per school. Optional online professional development is available, for a fee.

How do we decide how many student accounts to purchase?

Determine the number of students you have for the school year in grades K-8. Purchase subscriptions for that number of students. If more students arrive during the school year you can always add more student accounts.

Do you share my students’ data with anyone?

No. Never. We do not share your student’s data with any third parties. Your school’s data is kept securely and will be deleted from our servers by the request of your school or district administrator. You can learn more about our privacy policy here.

What are the technical requirements?

Track My Progress assessments can be administered on Chromebooks, laptops and desktops running the most recent version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera that have the most recent version of the Adobe Flash plugin. Tests can also be given on the iPad by downloading the Track My Progress iPad app from the iTunes app store. More details can be found here.

Do I need to purchase a subscription for every student at my school?

Track My Progress is a school-wide assessment solution for grades K-8. It is designed to illuminate which students are falling behind as well as which students are not being sufficiently challenged. The data helps you see precisely how far behind a student is from her peer group. In order to generate these insights it is necessary to assess all students. You also have the option to purchase subscriptions for specific students only.

What types of payment do you accept?

To pay buy credit card click the Subscribe Now button above. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club. We also accept checks and bank transfers. If you would like a proposal click Request a Proposal.

How do you help me and my staff get started with Track My Progress?

We provide live support to help you and your staff get up and running with Track My Progress and to support your use of it throughout the year. This includes phone support, live chat, and timely response to emails. Additionally, you may schedule live web training as well as data review sessions for you and your team

What is your refund policy?

We offer a no questions asked 90-day money back guarantee. If Track My Progress is not meeting your school or district needs in any way we will refund your total purchase amount.



Want to see Track My Progress in Action?